Vote Now!

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GREAT NEWS!!! 🎥🎬📽️🎞️

ANGEL STUDIOS HAVE GIVEN US 1-2 more weeks to get our voting score up to 45 or over… this is our last chance!

PLEASE 🙏🏼🙏🏼 we need your help ✨ PLEASE VOTE 👇🏼 and share far and wide..

We need to get this score to a passing at 45+ as you can see it’s sitting at currently 43. This score is based on people saying in the voting section whether they would be disappointed in it “NOT” being made verses “not fussed”? Also we need you to say “YES” this will shed light 💡 We need as much positive feedback in the section when you can give feedback as the film makers read this.

The steps are clunky to vote but so worth it:

From a computer 🖥️ log into become a guild member (there is an option for $12 to do this for 1 month. (If you use your phone for he option is more expensive)

Then once the account is made…from your phone 📱 click the link to our mini film 🎥 see below 👇🏼

You need to watch the clip (10mins) then Vote:
– Very disappointed if it wasn’t filmed.
– Yes it sheds light 💡
– Give Feedback


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